What is the importance of using certified equipment?

When a professional works, demands from business tools the ultimate in reliability and safety.
A tool must be complete, so that allows them to practice all the exercises provided by the Pilates method, and all variants.
Tools subjected to certification tests ensure the best durability performances, reliability and safety.
Managers of Studies and Wellness Centres know what may be the costly "downtime" and therefore choose tools that give the best guarantees to that effect.
They are also the best business card to the Customer, as a demonstration of concern for his safety.

It is true that you can do the same exercises on the different tools?

Yes, it's true.
It is for the Certificated Teacher, which must know all the Pilates Method, choose the most suitable exercise for postural habit of that specific customer, choosing the most appropriate tool with the most suitable variant.
Only in this way you can really bring to the solution of the problem.

What criteria should I take to choose the tools for my center?

The most important are the Universal Reformer, the Cadillac and the Barrel.
All other tools are part of the Pilates method, but have some peculiarities which provide for the use in special cases and for specific needs.
Other combined equipment can be chosen with space-saving criteria.

The equipment produced today are better than the original ones of the past?

Thanks to new technologies, the best companies are now able to produce more sophisticated tools, safe, comfortable and durable, as well as more attention to detail and design.
Practicing Pilates method on these latest equipment does not mean, however, modify the technique in its essence, but only practice it enjoying advantages impossible at the time of Joseph Pilates.

Who invented the tools for the Pilates method?

Joseph Pilates created his equipment for his method over seventy years ago.
These tools were very innovative for those times, but obviously rudimentary in their structure.
The equipment produced now need to maintain the same characteristics, to be suitable for professional use, while maintaining the original principles.
However, Pilatech uses new technologies and new materials to offer the very best in design, comfort and functionality, and especially to ensure safety.

The tools are necessary for the practice of the Pilates method?

The Pilates "method" involves the practice of free body work (MatWork) and also work with special tools.
Pilates himself has invented these tools and are an integral part of the method he invented.
The "mat work", is just one component of the method.
Only with the use of specific equipment, however, you can get the best of well-being that the Pilates method can offer.

What are the "postural" muscles?

The muscles involved in the postural system are muscles "tonic" located primarily in deeper location than the "phasic" muscles.
The "tonic" muscles have a structure making them suitable to a long contraction, protracted, while the "phasic" have the task of carrying out the rapid movements, typical in daily activities.
The phasic muscles are what we "see" and that is so important to our aesthetic image but the tonic ones, which you do not "see" are even more important because they keep us standing.

Our specific posture, depends on what?

It depends on our personal history:
  • Genetic factors
  • Acquired factors:
  • behavioral habits
  • Working habits, or daily activities
  • Sports practiced
  • Traumas and diseases
  • Mental attitude

What is an Inverse Pendulum?

Our body is a System in Dynamic Equilibrium with the fulcrum in the feet, our base of support.
It is defined as an Inverse Pendulum.

Postural stability depends on a complex system of control of the equilibrium (which substantially coincides with the system of control of the posture) that is realized through the continuous control of the tone of the postural muscles.
Assignment of the postural tonic system is to allow the body the postural stability, both in static position and in movement, suiting itself for the continuous environmental changes.

To realize such objectives the system uses a complex net of resources divided in 3 levels:
  •  Sensorial receptors (cutaneous exteroceptive and proprioceptive, visual, vestibular and auditory) that sends information to the brain on the various parts of the body, in relationship to the same body and the environment.
  •  Superior nervous centers that integrate and ri-elaborate the consequential data from the receptors, combining them with the cognitive process.
  •  Nervous effectors centers from which the commands depart to the oculomotors and skeletal muscles for the continuous process of antigravity stabilization.

What is Posture in Pilates?

"Posture" means the body position in space and its relationship among its body segments.

The correct posture is nothing other than the most suitable position of the body in space to implement the antigravity functions with the least energy expenditure both in dynamic and in static; it will contribute to various factors (neurophysiological, biomechanical, emotional, psychological and relational).

Important are the concepts of space, anti-gravity and balance arising from this definition.
The concept of spatiality is immediately subsequent to the posture, in fact, the posture is not more than the relationship of the body in the three spatial axes.

As regards
the balance, it is defined as the best relationship between the subject and the surrounding environment; it follows that the body, in both static and dynamic, assumes an optimal balance depending on environmental stimuli it receives and the motor program that adopts.

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Guarantees and Certifications

Our products are the only guaranteed
for life
with certified quality and safety,
assembled and tested one by one

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