Monday, 21 March 2016 11:21


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Sito Web Pilatech Srl: Condizioni d'uso e Restrizioni Legali

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I have a gym. Is it right to start with MatWork courses?

Giving Pilates MatWork courses has, usually, the more of an advantage.
First, the direct purpose, to provide a new method, funny, "fashionable" and so satisfy the curiosity of the customer without the need for investment.

After this stage there has been a twofold phenomenon:
the customer feel the first benefits of the method, it builds loyalty and often asks to access personalized courses to improve the results
at the same time the Center Manager who, not knowing the Pilates method was somewhat skeptical about the economic results of the experiment, is getting convinced and not only increases these courses, but also finds room to create a Pilates personal training program with equipments.

This evolution follows the general trend of the modern fitness world that is persuading more and more of the validity of the personal training programs.
The objective of the medium-high level customer, as the Pilates customer certainly is, pertains to entertainment and socializing, but certainly also, by demanding customers, to personalized treatment that will lead to tangible results of well-being and beauty.
We have seen many managers satisfied of the commercial success of these initiatives and pleased to have found another way to meet interesting and demanding clients.

What tools are used, and when, in Physiotherapy?

In the initial stages of treatment, in FKT, small tools will be more frequently used, in MatWork or Cadillac exercises.
This is because in post-traumatic early stages, or pre/post-surgery, the articular excursion range is usually minimal and the workload must be modulated with extreme care.
Exercises with important isometric components will be chosen compared to those in which the dynamic prevails.
Then, along with the progress and pain relief, a tool like the Reformer, especially for the lower limbs, enables a very fast and effective functional recovery.
As always, in the professional field, it is up to the individual therapist preparation to find the best solution to each specific problem.

How to position the Pilates space in my Center?

Within the Centre, it is essential to locate the space devoted to Pilates in an area where the physical and mental relaxation is really possible.
To increase the positive adaptation of the customer, the environment lighting must be cured, placing it so that it is warm, diffuse and never direct.
Remember that the customer is often lying with his eyes turned to the ceiling.
It is also important to avoid the noise impact of other activities in the center.
Relaxing background music contributes a lot to the mental and physical relaxation that we want to achieve.

What is the average configuration of a Studio?

There is no "standard" configuration of a Pilates Studio even if some tools such as the Reformera and the Cadillac are considered, by all, indispensable.
Even the application field is not demanding for specific equipment: both in fitness and in rehabilitation can be used all the tools at the discretion of the trainer or the rehabilitator.

Generally the average configuration of a Studio that can meet 7-8 customers every hour as part of a personal training program, which the Pilates is in its essence, has two Reformers, a Cadillac, a Large Barrel, one or more Spine Corrector and a number from 5 to 10 Magic Circle, Hemicylinders of various sizes, gym balls etc.
From this starting nucleus can then evolve according to the specific needs, depending on the type of clients and activities of the Center with a more targeted configuration.
Advice specific to that effect will be given by the Company to which it is addressed or by the responsible trainer.

What tools should I put in?

Universal Reformer

It is the original name given by J.H. Pilates to his main tool.

The Reformer consists of a mobile carriage which slides inside a supporting structure.
The cart is docked with the springs which, varying in number and tension, condition the elastic force of return to the starting position.
The cart has supports for the various anatomical parts and a footbar complete this configuration.

The exercises on the Reformer are mainly dynamic, with a wide combination of range of motion.
It allows you to work with both upper and lower limbs, always involving the spine.
The dynamic stretching exercises are simply wonderful.


The Cadillac, another original name, is a tool derived from the old physiotherapy beds used in hospitals in the last century.
It is a fixed table surmounted by a metal structure that allows the anchoring of various accessories.
Used generally more static, isometric exercises, is very useful in physical therapy, especially in early treatment.
It is considered one of the fundamental tools.


Large Barrel, Step Barrel, Small Barrel, Swing Barrel and Hemicylinders: are similar tools in the principles.
They differ in size but all have similar characteristics: a hemicylindric part, "Barrel" in fact, on which to perform the exercises, varying supports and accessories.
Very valid  stretching programs with these tools.


The Chair, as progenitor of home-fitness equipment, offers a surprising variety of applications being able to work every single part of the body and, as always, in a harmonious co-ordination between them.

Minor Equipment

Other minor tools for size but not least, are the Magic Circle, The Twisters, postural balls, elastic bands and others.
Each of these may be used alone, with a specific program, or as a supplement in the exercises on major equipment.

It would take pages and pages to explain the endless job opportunities and, for this, I refer to full-bodied volumes dedicated to the students of the certification courses.

How much space do I have to leave for Matwork?

In any case it must be left a space for the free body exercise.
The free body "mat work" is a very important part of the Pilates method... but remember that it is only a part.

The groups based on this technique are definitely eye-catching, fun and effective.
They are a breath of fresh air in the fitness scene and are very popular everywhere.

They are very important to spread the knowledge of the Pilates method and entice customers to deepen their practice with tools in order to fully enjoy the benefits that Pilates, in the "complete" meaning, can give.

How much space I need to devote to Pilates?

The space required is usually not very large.
Speaking about "machine room", You can usually suffice about 50-60 m2.
Receptionlocker rooms etc, and other facilities can be dedicated or shared with other activities in the center.
This space will divide it between machines and open space for MatWork.

How to organize a space destined for Pilates?

First you need to analyze your situation and reply to the following questions:
  • How much space have I available?
  • What is the main purpose of Pilates in my center? Fitness, athletic training or rehabilitation?
  • How many people should I handle in a day?
  • It is the only technique available in my center or are various types of gymnastics, postural or not, I offer to customers?
  • I believe in Pilates enough to dedicate a fixed space or I interpret it as merely one of the many available options?
  • Or: in my room I want to do a bit of everything and equipments always in the middle are disturbing?
  • I want to offer a Pilates "complete" with certified trainers and professional tools or instead only MatWork to "recreate" my clients with enjoyable and not boring groups?

Why and how to open a Pilates Center

More and more people, for various reasons, are deciding to experience a discipline full and engaging as the Pilates method.
Specialized Studios and the Clubs that fit Pilates into their schedule - by acquiring the tools and by properly educating their instructors - continue to increase in all world and also in Italy.
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